Golf / 26 August
$ 1,500
Dinner / 27 August $ 1,000
Sponsorship per golfer.
Includes: Golf, Power Cart, Lunch, Cocktails, Dinner, Tee Gift, and a great opportunity to rub shoulders with some Bomber greats
48 Participants & Special Guests:
Chris Streveler, Adam Bighill, Sergio Castillo,
Jamieson Sheahan, Shayne Gauthier, Bailey Feltmate,
Mike Benson, Nick Hallett, Wade Miller & Ed Tait
Dinner / 27 August $ 1,000
Sponsorship per guest.
12 Participants & Special Guests:
Adam Bighill, Zach Collaros, Wade Miller & Ed Tait
And more...
- Bomber Season Tickets (2 sets)
- Game Day practice meet & Greet with Zach Collaros inc. game day tickets and pregame dinner in the pinnacle
- Exclusive Dinner for 10 at Center Field with Wade Miller
- Private Chefs Dinner for 6 at Niakwa
- Golf and Dinner for 2 with guests Sheahan & Castillo @ Niakwa
- Exclusive Sideline Club for 20 at the Bomber Game Friday, October 11 with a $500 bar credit